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Liability Release Form & Assumption of Risk

Exercise Classes by Jessica Cohan "Make A Move With Jess"

Emergency Contact/Information

I understand and agree that in participating in any exercise, it may involve moderate physical activity including, but not limited to, muscle strength and endurance training, cardiovascular exercise, and other various fitness activities. I understand that participating in any exercise class may result in physical injury, illness, accident, as well as abnormal changes in blood pressure, fainting, and a remote risk of heart attack, stroke, other serious disability or death.  I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my participation in this exercise program.  If I have chosen not to obtain a physician’s consent prior to beginning this fitness program, I hereby agree that I am doing so solely at my own risk.  I understand that it is my responsibility to participate in exercises that are appropriate for the current status of my health and agree that I should not exceed any of my physical limitations. I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me during any class by Jessica Cohan. I also exempt, release, and indemnify Jessica Cohan from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from any damage, loss, injury, or death to me, or my property which may arise out of or in connection with participation in any classes.

By signing below, I agree that I am physically capable in participating in online and/or in-person exercise classes either independently or in the presence of my own caregiver, and that I have a safe space to exercise in if I am participating online. I understand I am able to stop exercising or receiving services at any point.

If you are unsure, 
The PARQ+ form will tell you whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor OR a qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active. Find the form HERE



  • I understand there are no refunds on missed classes/programs once they are purchased, unless discussed prior to the start of the program. Unused or missed classes do not carry-over to new programs. 

  • I understand that the "Refer a new friend" discount only applies when I refer someone new to Make A Move classes and only if they register. This only applies when I purchase programs in full (not class passes). 

  • I understand that future class pricing may change and is up to the discretion of Make a Move with Jess.  


I agree that there is no known physical, cognitive or sensory deficits that may make virtual services unsafe or ineffective for me. 

Furthermore, I consent to using the free virtual platform ‘Zoom’ and have the personal choice to have my camera on or off during classes. I understand that my personal information will be kept confidential and information, such as my name, is my choice to share virtually via Zoom.


I understand that discounted class recordings only apply when I purchase them in full if I cannot attend all live classes. This does not apply to recordings received for online missed classes. 


If there are any internet connection issues on Jessica's end where class cannot run, you will be provided a class recording or make-up class at Jessica's discretion.



I understand Jessica Cohan will not be held responsible for any personal or property damage during any time of our transaction and I will relinquish Jessica Cohan and the owners of the facility of any responsibility or monetary compensation.
I understand Jessica Cohan will not be held liable for any damage I may cause to the facility property & premises utilized by Jessica Cohan. 


Please stay home if you are sick.  We ask that if you are sick, that you avoid coming to class.  Masks are currently not mandatory inside the facility (it is your choice to keep your mask on or off when inside & exercising). 

Only clean, indoor shoes are to be worn in the exercise area. 

*Note: After you click "Submit", there will be a "Thanks for submitting!" message below the button to ensure it has went through.

Thanks for submitting!

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